
Monday, June 20, 2016

More Stuff We Did In Utah

This is our second blog on what we did while visiting Utah because we did so much it would not fit into one.  Actually every blog is usually only a glimpse of what we really do in an area, because either we feel it is too boring to blog about or just does not make the "I want to blog about this." list.

One thing we did was ride the UTA FrontRunner down to Salt Lake City, Utah to visit Temple Square which was Salt Lake's city center when settled by Brigham Young and pioneers who were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The temple at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It is a very beautiful place to visit with lovely flowers, fountains, and architecture.  Everyone we met there were very friendly and answered any questions we had about any of the buildings or anything.
Ian, Avery, Ethan, Chloe, Tia, and Courtney in front of the temple.

The kids at one of the fountains in Temple Square.
Another place we had to visit while in Utah was the Young Living Whispering Springs Farm where they claim it to be the largest herb farm and distillery in the world.  The main crop here is lavender which they have over 1400 acres to grow it on.

Mount Nebo across from the Young Living farm in Mona, UT.
Since we use and sell Young Living Essential Oils, we really wanted to go see where and how the oils are made.  Even though Lavender is the main crop here, they also grow and distill Clary Sage, Goldenrod, Hyssop, Juniper, and Peppermint.

We took a buggy ride around the farm and then a tour of the distillery, which was very interesting.  To see where your oils come from makes them even more special when you use them. 

Oh, by-the-way, if you are a Young Living Distributor with Essential Reward points, you can use your points to pay for anything while visiting the farm.

Young Living Lavender Farm.

We would love to participate during the harvest so we could be a part of the distillation process, but it was not that time of the season when we were there.

The grounds were beautiful and seemed very peaceful with the scent of essential oils in the air.

Young Living Farm at Mona, Utah.

More of the Young Living Farm at Mona, Utah.

Kids playing at the Young Living Farm.

Small lavender field where the plants are used to demonstrate how they are grown and harvested.
After they harvest the plants they take them to the distillery plant and use purified steam to get the oils out.  The plants are dried out, then put into the stainless steel vats where steam is applied which releases the essential oils from the plant.  The steam is piped down stairs where it condenses into oil infused water.  The water goes into a separator where the oil floats to the top and is gathered, filtered, tested, and sent to the packaging facility.

During all of this the oil is constantly tested to ensure it is of the highest quality.  If it is not of the required quality, then it will not be sold as Young Living Essential Oil.

The stainless steel vats where the plants are steamed.

The condenser where the steam condenses back into oil infused water.

The separators where the oil is separated from the water and collected.

Here you can see the Juniper oil in the separator.
After it is taken out of the separators the oil is taken to the lab to be filtered and tested.  During the entire distillation process, every step is monitored to ensure you are getting the highest quality of essential oil possible.
The distillation process being monitored.

The oils being filtered into stainless steel containers.

A stainless steel container of Juniper oil.
Below is a reminder for all who enter the distiller of the Seed to Seal process.  This is what makes Young Living Essential Oils such high quality.

Seed to Seal.
We love using essential oils in our everyday life and have not had to use any over the counter or prescription drugs at all since we introduce essential oils into our lives over two years ago. 

God gave us everything in nature to address any and all illnesses.  Since essential oils are natural, how can you go wrong? 

"Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing." Ezekiel 47:12 NIV

We are very happy we went to visit the Young Living farm and hope to go to their others farms in the United States and visit.  It was very interesting and informative.

So that was some of the things we did while in Utah.  We are always thankful that God has given us the ability to travel America and see all of its wonders.  God is good and we are blessed.  May God also bless you.

Don, Misty, and Kids...
Twenty Three States Visited So Far