
Sunday, October 29, 2017


One of the main reasons we headed to Wisconsin was to stay at the Moxon's farm near Camp Douglas, WI and help with some work.  Unfortunately the cellular signal is very bad and I could not connect to do my computer work, so we ended up staying at Fort McCoy.

We did get to meet a very good family though and can add them to our good friends list, which is the best thing out of the whole deal.
Camped at the Moxon Farm at Camp Douglas, WI.
They had a really nice place and a beautiful home.  We made sure we visited them a few times while staying in Wisconsin.

Fort McCoy's Pine View Campground was nice too.  It is one of the better military RV parks that we have stayed at to date.  Everyone who worked there was very friendly and accommodating.

They had plenty of playgrounds, boating, swimming in the lake, and pedal cars, which the kids had fun on.
Avery and Courtney riding a pedal car at Fort McCoy, WI.
While in Wisconsin we got to see a bunch of cranberry farms to include ones for Ocean Spray.  It is neat when you see where a national product comes from.
One of the many cranberry farms that we saw while in Wisconsin.
We also drove to Devil's Lake State Park located near Baraboo, WI which is part of the 1000 mile Ice Age Scenic Trail and the third oldest state park in Wisconsin which was founded 1911.  It is also the largest with a 360 acre lake and the most visited in the state.

It has multiple natural attractions along its quartz bluffs which border the lake to include the Devil's Doorway rock formation.

Devil's Doorway rock formation at Devil's Lake State Park.
It was quite a climb to get up to the bluffs, but well worth it for the views.  We parked at the Civilian Conservation Corps trail head, walked it westward to the Potholes Trail, which connects to the East Bluffs Trail, and then westward still to the Devil's Doorway Trail.
Climbing the Potholes trail up to the top at Devil's Lake.

A stairway in the cliff up to the bluffs at Devil's Lake.

The kids at the top of the stairway, but only about half way up the Potholes Trail.

Misty bringing up the rear taking pictures and making sure we keep everyone with us.
Once we made it to the top, the view was spectacular.  It is well worth the climb, but next time we will get there earlier in the day so we have more time to explore and also take some water and some food.
Courtney, Chloe, Ethan, Avery, Tia, and Ian on the Eastern Bluff at Devil's Lake.

A beautiful view of Devil's Lake from the Eastern Bluff.
A shot of the Eastern Bluffs from across the lake that we climbed at Devil's Lake.
There were many places on the trails that were super tight.  The climb down was as hard or harder than the climb up or at least it felt that way on the knees.
Daddy and Cami squeezing through one of the many tight spots on the trails at Devil's Lake.
Misty looking pretty on the trail.
Tia, Chloe, Courtney, Ian, Avery, and Ethan at the Eastern Bluffs at Devil's lake.
So if you are ever near Baraboo which is near Wisconsin Dells in Wisconsin, you need to go to the Devil's Lake State Park and do some hiking.  Be ready to climb though.

God bless and Thanks!
Don, Misty, and Kids.......
Twenty nine states visited so far.

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